Course in Oiled Wildlife Response-Management

To provide participants an overview of the key management considerations to plan for and implement an industry-led, oil spill wildlife response.

Target Audience:

Industry personnel who will have an involvement in planning for, or implementing oiled wildlife response on behalf of their company.
This may include: oiled wildlife managers; environmental advisors; field operations co-ordinators; wildlife planning advisers; oiled wildlife care coordinator and wildlife facilities infrastructure supervisors.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To understand the requirements for why we need to respond to oiled wildlife in the Australian context.
  • Detail the key processes in oiled wildlife response.
  • To appreciate the relationship between oiled wildlife response and the other functional areas of an incident management team.
  • To understand the key ‘inputs’ required to commence and maintain oiled wildlife response (EG – consumables & feed stock, human resources, equipment, etc).
  • To provide an overview of species specific clean up techniques (EG – mammals, reptiles).
  • To recognise specific oiled wildlife response occupational health and safety considerations.

Learning Methods:

This course will be delivered through a mix of classroom and practical sessions.

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